Tuesday 10 August 2010

The Claw is My Master!

My bento summer school homework for Week 7 'Finding inspiration':

Well I've taken some inspiration from recent movies at the cinema, and in particular, one of (if not the) best animated films of all time, and my favourite character...

oh yes, it's Clive the alien. Actually, I know they aren't called Clive, but for some random reason i can't recall, these cute little aliens all ended up being called Clive. This stuffed Clive is great- when you squeeze him his head lights up and he says either " The Claw is my master", "i have been chosen" or simply "ooooooooooooooh!". To tell the truth, years ago he used to live on my bed, and if I rolled over onto him in the night time he gave me huge fright- a big green face lighting up and saying "ooooooooh!"

So here is my bento homework:

Clive is made of coloured sushi rice and he is on a bed of couscous and carrots, and surrounded by some tomatoes and grapes. I probably could have packed him better but its been a rather long day at the office today so I was short of both time and ingredients.  Hope you like him though, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hayley! I'm Miloko (Jessica) from the Bentovention blog.

    You've done some wonderful bento art here for your Week #7 Summer School homework. Myself and my family have recently seen the Toy Story 3 film and all really appreciated how these little alien guys came through for their buddies when things got bad! Your creation has just the right expression, too. Well done on that nori cutting for features.

    I often criticise my own bentos if I find I have focussed so much on the cuteness that I've neglected the nutritious quality of the ingredients. You're definitely not guilty of neglecting the nutrition here! That's all good stuff you've packed there. It looks delicious.

    You mentioned the packing yourself at the end of your post, and that would have been the only thing I would have added as advice in my comments. I'm guilty of having some bentos that don't stand up to transportation myself so good packing technique is something I greatly admire and encourage. If a bento can look as great when it's opened after being carried as when it's made then you've reached pro status!

    Great work, Hayley, so nice to have found your blog through Summer School.
