Monday 13 December 2010

Snow and Ice!

Now, I know there are people who read this blog from outside the UK, and I'm sure there are some people who come from countries that have REAL weather, like Canada or Russia or wherever (why not let me know where you come from by leaving a comment?), but in the UK, the weather always makes the headlines. Honestly, when the sun is out for more than 5 minutes in the summer, its all over the papers: 'heat wave!!!!! hottest summer ever!!!!' and then the sun goes back in and its dreary an gray again. Well, in the past few weeks, we've had Some Snow. And of course, everything came to a standstill as people wondered what on earth this magical white stuff falling from the sky was. Even though we get it every year.

Personally, I love the snow and I'm determined to keep my child like love of it.. We had some really beautiful, impressive icicles where I live. I don't think the pictures have come out brilliantly but they were really mesmerising. Although that  massive one was hanging very ominously above our car!


  1. REAL weather? County Durham had real weather!

  2. ahh, I'm talking Siberia/ Winnipeg sort of real weather though. not a piddly little minus 12 here and there.
